Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Cleaning the Air We Share!
Did you know that indoor air is 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air? The most common indoor air pollutants are:
Pollution & Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Viruses & Bacteria
The air indoors is full of chemicals, dust, germs, viruses, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and other harmful particulate matter. These particles spread germs and illnesses around when not eliminated which impacts the overall health and safety of occupants resulting in increased absenteeism.
BradyPLUS offers active and passive air purifiers that eliminate and reduce germs and odors for a cleaner and safer indoor environment.

What is ACTIVE Air Purification?
Active air purification brings the cleansing power of the sun indoors. The sunlight creates hydroxyls which destroy organisms that can produce diseases in the air we breathe outside. Because hydroxyls do not exist naturally indoors, active air purification mimics nature’s cleansing indoors.

What is PASSIVE Air Purification?
HEPA/Passive air purification cleans the air by passing it through an advanced filtration system. The filtration process includes various filter types to eliminate air concerns down to ultrafine particles. The AeraMax Pro air purifiers continue to illustrate their effectiveness through independent testing and third-party standards.